
martes, 25 de enero de 2022


THE DOOR OF BETRAYAL / THE DOOR OF LOYALTY 1. Welcome to the history, welcome to the legend, welcome to Zamora. 2. Come with us and listen to very old secrets, amazing adventures and beautiful princesses. 3. And today: ………THE DOOR OF BETRAYAL / THE DOOR OF LOYALTY. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. In 1072, Zamora was an important city on the river Duero. 5. It was surrounded by a high wall that protected the city from the enemies. 6. The Queen was Urraca and one of the best soldiers was Arias Gonzalo. 7. King Sancho wanted to conquer Zamora. 8. And he sieged the city to force it into surrendering. 9. But the Queen from Zamora, Queen Urraca and her soldiers didn´t want to. 10. The sieged of the city lasted more than seven months and the citizens were suffering a lot. 11. In the end, a soldier called Vellido Dolfos killed King Sancho and Zamora was free again. 12. That is the reason why people say that “Zamora wasn´t defeated in one hour”. 13. When Vellido Dolfos killed the king, he scaped from his soldiers by entering the city through a secret door. 14. First, that door was called “The door of betrayal”. 15. But, later on, the Townhall from Zamora called it “The door of loyalty”. 16. Because it helped the city to be free. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17. This was our legend today, THE DOOR OF BETRAYAL / THE DOOR OF LOYALTY. 18. Come to Zamora and live your own legend.

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